Category Archives: Intro

ECG 0022 Video

ECG is from a 70 yr old female seen in outpatient clinic for fatigue   Video

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ECG 0020 Video

ECG is from a 58 yr old female with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and new onset of atypical chest pain   Video

Also posted in Conduction disturbances | Tagged | 2 Responses

ECG 0019 Video

ECG is from a 45 yr old male with SLE and h/o recurrent PE who presented to the ED for chest pain   Video

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ECG 0017 Video

ECG is from a 69 yr old female with dyspnea and lightheadedness   Video

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ECG 0016 Video

ECG is from a male with 20 yrs of hypertension   Video

Also posted in Hypertrophy | Tagged | 3 Responses

ECG 0015 Video

ECG is from a 50 yr old male with chronic stable CAD, presenting for routine follow-up   Video

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ECG 0013 Video

ECG is from a 77 yr old male with h/o of hypertension and prior MI, now presenting to clinic for dyspnea   Video

Also posted in Conduction disturbances | Tagged | 4 Responses

ECG 0012 Video

ECG is from an 89 yr old male with chronic fatigue   Video

Also posted in Conduction disturbances | Tagged | 4 Responses